PreBuilt Gaming PC's / Assembled PC's

Gaming PC or gaming computer are something that a huge number of people are after these days. A gaming computer, or gaming PC is one of the best computer options for those who want to play games. Before, gaming was something that was limited to consoles. However, with time computers have become more and more powerful. And, now top gaming PC, is capable of playing high-end games without an issue.

So much so, that the best gaming computer builder out there who can build gaming CPU that will outperform gaming consoles without any issues. Furthermore, with these best gaming PC, and computers you can do a lot more than just gaming. These gaming desktops are not only capable of playing modern games, but also perform tasks such as calculation, use the internet, etc. So, you can say, that a good gaming PC is a jack of all trades.

A gaming PC can either be a custom gaming PC, or a pre built PC. Depending on the type of user, both of these options are viable. In order to get a top gaming PC, in-depth knowledge is a must. A prebuilt gaming pc is suitable for those who do not have too much technical knowledge.

A pre built PC allows users with little to no technical knowledge to get a good gaming PC without any hassle. Such gaming computers are pre assembled PC system, and thus come with all the parts pre-installed. A gaming desktop PC needs various So if you want to get into gaming without having knowledge on which components to get. Then, this is what you should be opting for.

However, a prebuilt gaming PC is not for those who want their gaming PC to be tailormade according to them. For such a custom gaming PC makes more sense. Just as the name suggests, in a custom gaming PC, everything is customizable. Be it the processor, RAM, graphics card, storage, cabinet, anything in computer assembly.

Custom gaming desktops are what PC enthusiasts and professionals prefer. However, unlike in the case of a prebuilt gaming PC, in custom gaming desktops, the customer needs to know what to get. After all, it is the customer who decides all the parts. In terms of custom PC computer, a tool that is extremely helpful is a custom pc builder online.

A custom PC builder, just as the name suggests, is used for making custom PC builds. It presents you with all the components that can be used to make a build and also shows the computer’s full set price.

Using these computer set prices and components, the users can get a rough estimate as for the computer PC price and the components needed in that custom PC. There are various custom PC builders online, and these are something that can be very much useful for those looking for custom Pc builds.

So now, we know both types of gaming desktops. But, what about the gaming PC price, or gaming CPU price? How much would a gaming computer cost? Well, gaming PC price or gaming CPU price is something which is quite wide and varied. It can range from anywhere between 30-40 thousand INR, and go all the way up to multiple lakhs for new computer price as well.

Needless to say, the more you spend, the better it is. So, if you are tight on cash, and are looking for a budget gaming PC set or cheap gaming PC set, then you can get that. Or, perhaps, if what you are after is the best gaming desktop that money can buy, you can get that as well. Regardless of your requirements, and your budget, there is a gaming PC for you.

If you are curious about the full gaming PC setup and how much your new gaming computer will cost, then the custom PC builder online is there for you. Using these, you can get a rough estimate as to how much money you would have to dish out. Needless to say, a custom PC builder is also a great option for budget gaming PC builds, as you can determine if it would fit in your budget or not, and based on that, you can build your own PC.

A computer is certainly more practical than a gaming console. It has so many more uses than a traditional gaming console. For this reason, several people opt for gaming computers instead of these consoles. Furthermore, another advantage of a gaming PC set up is that it is completely modular.

You can upgrade/change the parts individually as you see fit. In case of consoles, once a new version comes, you would have to upgrade to it after some time. This is because newer games would not be supported on the existing one.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1. What is the price range for a Gaming Computer?

The price range is something that is very much flexible when it comes to a gaming computer. This is because the gaming computer price in India completely depends on the components that are being used in it.

So, you can build a gaming PC for a mere 30000 INR. Or, if you want the best performance, you can even end up spending multiple lacs of rupees on it. Here at EliteHubs, we have various pre-built gaming PC, ranging from 30,000 INR to almost 2,00,000 INR.

Q2. What is the necessity of a Gaming CPU?

If you are after the best gaming experience, then you most definitely need to invest in a best CPU for gaming. After all, the gaming performance depends on three components, and CPU is one of them.

Q3. What is the difference between a Custom PC & a PreBuilt PC?

A PC can be either a customized one or a pre-built one. At the core, both of these are still computers. What makes them different from one another is the components. In the case of a custom PC, you can select which components you want. And, in the case of a pre-built, it is already built.

However, for a custom PC build in India, you need to have proper knowledge of the parts, along with knowledge on knowing how to assemble it. So, if you are a basic user, and want a plug and play computer, a prebuilt PC is the way to go.

Q4. Should you go for an AMD or Intel Gaming PC Build?

There are two processor manufacturers when it comes to processors. They are AMD and Intel. To be completely honest, you can’t go wrong with either of them. Each of them makes processors for various price points and various users. However, there are indeed some things that one does better than the other.

For example, the Intel Core Series processors are known for their high single-core performance, but slightly lower multi-core performance. But, with AMD Ryzen processors, you get excellent multi-core performance, with slightly less single-core performance when compared to Intel Core series processors. But, in day-to-day use, you won’t find much of a difference with either of these.

Q5. Why buy a Gaming PC in India?

You might be wondering why should you get a Gaming PC in India when you have other options too. Well, the answer to that would be usability. A Gaming PC can be used for a lot more than just gaming. Furthermore, you can even upgrade it part by part later down the line. This would significantly reduce the expenses in the long run.

Q6. Why should you opt for EliteHubs for a PC Build in India?

There are many sites that deal in computer parts. So, you might be asking yourself, “Why EliteHubs?” Well, purchasing from EliteHubs entitles you to a lot of benefits. Firstly, the price. At EliteHubs, we strive to get your desired computer parts at the cheapest and best prices in India.

The second would be our shipping policy. We use trusted and popular courier services to ensure that your product gets delivered to you fast, and more importantly, safely. The final reason would be our after-sales support.

You can feel free to contact us at our social media anytime, to state your grievances. And, we would be more than happy to help you. After all, customer satisfaction is one of our top priorities.

Q7. How do you categorize a PC as a Good Gaming PC?

As stated before, the performance of a gaming PC completely depends on the components used in it. When it comes to gaming, the components that matter the most are the processor, graphics card, and RAM.

You need to ensure that these three components are powerful enough to run your favorite games at proper resolutions and visual settings.

Q8.  What is the optimal budget I should have for a Gaming Desktop?

To be frank there is no optimal budget. It depends from person to person. Not everyone will have the same requirements or the same expectations. So, it is hard to state a specific budget.

However, we believe that for most gamers a PC build that can be built for around 50,000 INR will be completely fine. It will have a fast CPU, along with a dedicated graphics card, and ample of memory. This would ensure that gaming performance is smooth and stable.

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